Confirmation is wrapped into Crossroads this year. Most of the confirmation teaching will be apart of the Wednesday night teaching so don't miss Crossroads! In fact we are asking confirmands to make at least 2/3 of the Crossroads nights. We will follow up the year of teaching with an overnight retreat. This is going to be a weekend of fun and great discussion on what makes up our faith and how we can live it out. We'll also be covering the Lord's Prayer and the Apostle's Creed. They will also develop their own faith creed/mission statement for their faith walk.
The Retreat will be in the spring Friday March 13 7:00 pm to noon on the 14th CONFIRMATION RETREAT
The students will be confirmed March 15th Confirmation Sunday!! 10:30 service with a cake reception to follow.
Please sign up as soon as possible so we know how many to plan for. Thanks!
email me at [email protected]
Let me know if you have any questions!