Family Ministry
- Baptism: Interested in baptism as an adult or for your child? This class is offered 3 times a year. Come join us for a light lunch and conversation of what it means to be baptized, what it means in the Lutheran church and a little bit about Children and Family Ministry at Joy!
- Backpack Blessing: As children begin school in August, in worship, we bless children and parents as they begin a new school. Each child receives a backpack tag to remind them that God is with them each day.
- Bibles: As partners in ministry, in fall, Joy gives children 1st grade and older a NIrV Bible in Worship. We pray for them as they dig into God’s word and encourage children to bring their Bible to class each week.
- Family Christmas Program: In December, our children, youth, choir and praise band come together in Family Worship to tell the story of Jesus’ birth. There is a community breakfast to follow each service to get to know new people and build relationships. No better way to start the Christmas season!
- First Communion: This is a class for parents, and children 1st grade and older (parents decide when they think their child is ready) to come learn more about what Communion means and why we have it each week. Children take their First Communion on Memorial Day weekend.
- Special Events: These are community building events that help build relationships. Whether it’s a summer pool party, Soup and Chili Challenge, Ash Wednesday Dinner, Lenten family activity, Easter Egg Hunt, or Trunk or Treat, join us as we grow our faith and relationships together!