Joy! Staff & Council
Joy! Staff |
Joy! runs on the steam and love of lots of great people. Below are the staff members and their bios. Each of them would be more than happy to help answer any questions about their specific area and beyond.
Mark Borgetti
Lead Pastor and Youth Director I am a former Catholic who went to a Baptist seminary to be a second career Lutheran pastor. I went from programmer (software developer) to pastor (spiritual developer). Much longer story! My life is blessed with a wonderful wife, twin daughters, a son, and two granddaughters who lovingly call me 'Pops.' Fishing is a passion of mine, but what truly lights up my world are Christmas lights. On special occasions like the 4th of July, Halloween, and Christmas, my house dazzles with over 12,500 lights synchronized to music. Above all, my heart is captivated by Christ, and I find immense joy in spending time with those whom Christ loves. It's in these moments that I get to learn their stories, share my story, and speak of God's incredible story of healing and forgiveness. What's your story? I'd be honored to listen. Meet for coffee? [email protected] |
Jenelle Roush
Relational Ministries Director I'm a local girl who grew up in Waukegan. I graduated with a social work degree from Iowa State University. I have 2 active boys who both graduated from UW-Whitewater and are becoming awesome young men and a new daughter-in-law that I'm so thrilled to have join the family. I love cheering them all on as well as any and all Chicago sports teams (minus the Sox)- Go Cubs!! :) I came on staff at Joy! about 17 years ago as a part time champion for small groups and was overjoyed to expand my role a few years later to everything relational from connections to hospitality, and small groups to special events. I have a passion for people feeling a sense of belonging and acceptance because once I found that myself here I truly began to experience and embrace God. :) [email protected] |
Cheryl O'Neill
Children & Family Ministry Director I have been married for more than 30 years to Pat and we have 3 grown children, Billy, Maggie, and Kelly. I have served in Children’s Ministry for more than 20 years since we moved to Gurnee. I have been truly blessed to be a part of such a loving community that love and support children. My passion is watching children grow up learning about the love of Jesus and watching our youth and adult volunteers grow in their faith journey. My favorite time of the week is cooking Sunday night dinners for my family, their friends and my niece, nephews, great nephews & great niece. I enjoy game nights and playing bags with family and friends. [email protected] |
Jennifer Marvin
Worship Director Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100:1-2 I’ve been doing ministry at Joy for most of my adult life (the past 18 years). In my current role, I serve as the choir director and assistant worship arts director. One of the blessings of my job is that I get to help people experience God’s presence through all types of worship and I get to work with a bunch of awesome volunteers who have hearts for creating life transforming worship. When I’m not at Joy, I am an orchestra teacher in Kenosha. I enjoy traveling, scrapbooking and of course almost all things music related. j[email protected] |
Sue Gearica
Finance Manager I joined the staff at Joy! in Spring 2012 as the numbers gal. I have been married to my husband, Joe, for more than 40 years. We have 7 grandchildren who bring smiles to our face everyday. I love to spend time with my family, decorate our home, shop, and bake. A member of Joy! for over 18 years, I love being a part of this community and treasure the friendships I have made. My faith grows deeper each year as I learn how God is working in our lives. Through Him all things are possible....Matthew 19:26 [email protected] |
Jori Maguire
Administrative Assistant Jori has been a member of Joy! since the late 1990's along with her husband, Tim (he's the tall guy who sings!) and her mostly adult children, Riley and Margaret. After volunteering in various ministries, Jori earned her culinary degree, worked in several nonprofit organizations and then completed her bachelor's degree in Non Profit Management at North Park University in Chicago. She's very proud to have graduated magna cum laude and was the oldest person in her major at graduation! Jori loves Joy! and jumped at the chance to be a part of the staff. If you are at church on a weekday, stop by and say hello! [email protected] |
Marcy Knudtson
Worship Media Coordinator I am a U.S. Navy veteran from southern Indiana originally. My husband, for over 30 years, Lamar and I have traveled all over the world with our last station at Naval Station Great Lakes where we decided to retire. I am still working at the base as the Lead Information Technology Specialist. I am the very proud mother of two sons, Jack and David, of which David and my husband both work on the Naval Base as well. We have been with Joy! for over 10 years now. In my free time, you might find me by the lake trying to out fish Lamar or in my craft room creating. I love Life, Family, Faith, Crafts, Fishing, Traveling and a good book or movie. I look forward to working as part of the Joy! Staff team. [email protected] |
Kevin Belles
Worship Tech Lead My “day job” is engineering project management, but I secretly have always been some what of an audiophile! I currently have probably more amplification (and speakers) in my basement than Joy! has in the worship center. I always have had a passion to continually improve the audio and video to allow more deep and meaningful worship at Joy! On a little more personal note, my wife, Linda and I have been married a REALLY long time and have been blessed with 3 incredible kids. I am one of two (a twin), one of 12 (yes, 5 brothers and 6 sisters) and grew up on a small farm in central Indiana ~ still consider myself a transplanted Hoosier! Oh yeah, did I mention I grew up Catholic? I love running and also playing on the worship team. [email protected] |
Todd Stickney
Worship Creative Lead My family and I are so happy to be members of the JOY! family and absolutely identify with and embrace those that have been hurt by the church we all grew up in. Jesus said all are welcome…and ALL ARE welcome here at JOY!! I grew up in northern Wisconsin and graduated from UW-Stevens Point majoring in Theatre Arts with a minor in Music Performance. I have worked in everything from Entertainment to Construction and am currently working as VP of Culture & Experience in the AV industry. My wife Shereen and I have been married for 30 yrs, and God has blessed us with three wonderful children (2 daughters and a son). I love spending time with my family, autumn, hunting, and all things Green Bay Packers! I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13 [email protected] |
Kelly Ellison
Nursery Coordinator Kelly was baptized and raised attending Joy! She went through the children and youth programs herself and for 12 years has been sharing God’s love at Joy! as a volunteer for Kids Klub and Vacation Bible School. She recently accepted leadership positions as a Preschool Coordinator for both KAK and VBS. In May of 2016, she graduated from Southern Illinois University Carbondale with a double major in English and Speech Communication. She’s currently working at Abbott Laboratories in HR at the Des Plaines office. As Kelly continues to strengthen her relationship with God she is very excited to continue working with His children through the Joy! nursery. [email protected] |
Ellie Jensen
Nursery Staff and Assistant Youth Director Ellie attended Joy as a child and went through the children and youth programs! Ellie has been serving and working with kids at Joy since she was in sixth grade. She is currently a Kids Klub teacher, high school youth group leader, and a member of the Children’s Ministry team. In May of 2016, she graduated from Illinois State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. Ellie is very excited to get to know you and your children in the nursery and continue to strengthen her faith. [email protected] |
Maggie Gatschet
Nursery Staff Maggie O’Neill grew up at Joy! She attended Kids’ Klub, Vacation Bible School and participated in Youth Ministry. Maggie has grown in her love for Jesus by teaching Kids’ Klub and Vacation Bible School since middle school. She has also taken the next step in leadership on both the Children’s Ministry Team and the Vacation Bible School Team helping to coordinate and execute preschool activities. She is married to Greg, a mother of a very active little boy, Gavin, and works full time at GFX International as an Account Manager for Panera. Maggie is excited to get to know the parents and children God brings through the nursery doors! [email protected] |